All people have massive pressure when it comes down to deciding on what they want to major in or have a potential career path in. Just know that if you do not know what you want to do right away then there is no reason to panic. This should encourage you to go out and explore what’s out there. Academic Influence has an article that can provide some useful information about this explorational phase. Do not feel alone if you are undecided since many other students can find themselves in the same boat. Just to stay on track though here are some tips that can help you through the process.
- Audit classes while in high school – Make sure you make the most of those connections or experiences that you gained while in high school. One way to prepare for the future is to take college credit courses in high school so it provides you with leverage in case you might have to take extra courses while in college.
- Look for a smaller college with bigger support – If you are not too sure about committing to a big 4year school then explore your options and find a much smaller college to look into. It is easier for a student to get lost in a bigger university since the experience can come off as more overwhelming. A smaller college can be beneficial since it allows you to have better access to support from an academic advisor along with being able to create closer connections with those faculty members.
- Figure out what you actually enjoy – Many people only think of a diploma as an asset for a job that pays off. One must find what they are truly passionate about which can be helped by taking more general education classes since it will give one the chance to explore different subjects and topics that could potentially interest them.
- Talk to other students/professors – If you are to take audit classes in school then professors will not be the only people you meet. You will meet other students who are possibly interested in pursuing the same field as you. They could give great insight about the program from their perspective which could be very beneficial.
- Connect with your academic advisor – As long as you have a connection with an academic advisor, begin asking questions about a career assessment. This can help you see what fields you may have skills or interests in. They should help you open your mind and options on what there is out there for you to pursue.
- Find events for undeclared students – To prove that you are not alone in this journey, find events where you can come across other fellow students that are going through a similar situation. Most colleges will host major fairs, where you can potentially talk to professors and ask questions about their departments. This could spark an interest in any career since you are putting yourself out there to see what options are available. This can help to see which major aligns with your educational and career goals.
If you are stuck on deciding what major or career is right for you, consider some of these tips as they could be beneficial to you in some way. They are people placed around you that are more than willing to help. This happens to everyone so do not minimize or discourage yourself one bit.