Finding a career that best suits you can be difficult for a lot of people. Although we may have a specific field of study in college, this doesn’t necessarily mean a person has to follow it afterwards. In fact, you might go in a completely different direction of your major when trying to find a job. An article titled How to Choose a Career That Suits You Best gives us a step by step process on how to pick a job that you will enjoy and have success in.

Discover your personality type. This is an essential aspect in choosing a career that best suits you for many reasons. One of the easiest ways to do this is by taking a personality test. Our career center gives you multiple personality tests through the website Handshake. By completing them, you will have a strong sense of who you are as an individual as well as what type of work environments are best for you.

Work as an intern. Working as an intern is another key component to finding a job that suits you. Before obtaining a career after college it is important to have experience as an intern. This will give you a good opportunity and help you recognize things that you are looking for in a career.

Know your strengths. Before you can know what kind of job you want to work it is important to recognize your strengths. By doing this you will be able to narrow down jobs based on careers you think you would be good at and enjoy doing. This will help you apply your strengths to the workplace and eventually lead to choosing a career that suits you best.

For more information check out the link at the top of the page.

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