According to the article Self-Career Development: Three Strategies To Accelerate Your Career, “self career development is an increasingly important component of individuals’ success in the workplace.” Self development is also an effective way to help progress in careers. The article talks about how to follow tactics to gain control of your development and accelerate. By following the below three steps you will be able to strengthen your career development in order to be more successful.
Put strategy first. Millennials are switching jobs at such high rates and typically don’t depend on pre-established career tracks in order to advance to higher positions. Also, one-third of employees report that their bosses don’t assist with career development. It is important to be proactive in order to seek mentorship to gain this. Employees must be strategic about what can be received from different job positions as well as being mentored.
Become your own CMO. The article says how “today’s workers must become their own Chief Marketing Officer, constantly analyzing, refining, and improving the way they appear in the job market.” One of the best approaches to gain a competitive advantage and improve one’s market image is through education – and many options are available.
Ask for feedback. According to Gallup ” only 15% of millennial employees routinely ask for such feedback consistently.” However, it is important to be seeking feedback even if it is negative. By doing so you will likely be more receptive to changing your behavior in order to demonstrate success in the coming years.