By participating in the Academic Exploration Program and this webpage, students will be greatly benefited in numerous ways. The page particularly helps students who are undecided in a program and want to explore different majors; students who have a declared major, but are considering a minor or concentration; and lastly, students who are declared, but may be thinking to change their major and are seeking assistance. By engaging here, you may also be aware of featured events on campus. This consists of events such as the majors speed dating event and the enhanced career fair, which can help with finding a job that best suits you after college. The Academic Exploration Program will allow you to see dates and times of these events so that you can explore various opportunities in the current marketplace. From the carer fair, students will also be provided with an opportunity that will give them exposure to what life may be like in their post-college years. The Academic Exploration Program will give students opportunities that will allow them to be positively impacted from participating in all the benefits that it has to offer.

Categories: Programs


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